About Ceremony
Ceremony acts as a catalyst for us as human beings, allowing us to recognise and make significant important occasions in our lives. Birth, marriage, coming of age, death, divorce, moving house - all of these events have a major impact on the lives of each of us, whether they happen directly to us or to others close to us. Ceremony enables us to mark these very personal events in a way which reflects our intimate experience of them.
As far back in history as you care to go, and across all the cultures of the world, ceremony has been used to mark transitions from one stage in life to another. Being present at a ceremony instils a sense of belonging and being part of something greater than our individual selves. During the process of ceremony we find ourselves brought into closer communication with our inner world and our emotions. The rituals which take place during ceremony remind us that:
[We can], for a time, end our sense of human alienation from nature and from each other. Ritual seems to be one method of reintegrating individuals and groups into the cosmos, and to tie in the activities of daily life with their ever present, often forgotten, significance. It allows us to feel biological connectedness with ancestors who regulated their lives and activities according to seasonal observances. Just as ecological theory explains how we are interrelated with all other forms of life, rituals allow us to re-create that unity in an explosive, nonabstract, gut-level way. Rituals have the power to reset the terms of our universe until we find ourselves suddenly and truly "at home" - Margot Adler
Ceremony has become more meaningful and accessible in modern day life. It is much easier these days to create or have created for you, a ceremony which is exactly what you need and want to express your feelings and beliefs. An Interfaith Minister, or a trained celebrant, has the skills and experience to write and create ceremonies that offer people the space to communicate to those they love how they feel and what they want to say to a partner in marriage, to a newly-born child, to a coming of age child, to a deceased relative.
Part of the whole process of ceremony is to have the opportunity to meet with relatives, friends and a minister or celebrant, if desired, and to discuss exactly what you want, what you want to say and how you want to say it. A minister can provide you with the support and guidance you may need in creating a ceremony that lets you do exactly that.