My clients frequently ask me what are the best foods to eat; what is the ideal diet. You might find my answer a surprising one!
What I say is: "Eat what suits you". Now that doesn't mean eating lots of unhealthy food, like biscuits, chocolate, fast food and fizzy drinks because that doesn't suit anyone. Those foods may taste nice and be fun to eat sometimes but if you eat a lot of them, sooner or later you will not feel good! I can guarantee that. These types of foods do not suit anyone except as occasional treats
One of the problems is that most people who eat an unhealthy diet get so used to the way that it makes them feel, that they forget what it's like to feel great. We can all get by feeling more or less okay but achieving optimum health and feeling really good is a completely different ballgame from general okayness.
When I say eat what suits you, I mean that everyone is different. This is where kinesiology is so helpful. When I work with clients I find that each person has different foods that suit their body. Some people notice that they feel much better being vegetarian, others really need some meat; some people notice a big turn around in their health when they cut out gluten; and some notice that they feel much better with a high protein, low carb diet. That is why I never create a diet sheet and say that this is what everyone should be eating.
Using Kinesiology we can determine what are your:
biogenic foods, these are foods which are really beneficial for your body;
biocidic foods, foods that really aren't helping you;
biostatic foods that are neither upset your system nor particularly benefit it either.
This kind of testing gives you a clearer idea of which way to go with developing your perfect diet.
Alongside the information that Kinesiology testing can give you, you can also become your own food detective. Only you know how your body feels and how well your brain is functioning. Only you can ultimately determine which foods make you feel energised and well and which foods make you feel sluggish and tired or over-stimulated. Keeping a food diary is really helpful in keeping track of what you have eaten and how you feel. Over a period of time you will be able to see connections between what you have eaten and how you feel, both physically and mentally. Kinesiology can give you a start in the right direction and then you can complete the task with your own detective work.
Whatever information testing and investigation may give you about your perfect diet, here are some general guidelines I recommend following to obtain the healthiest diet:
Low sugar Â
Healthy fats (no trans or hydrogenated fats)Â Â
Healthy protein sources - e.g. fish, legumes, nuts, grass fed meat Â
Plenty of vegetables
Fruit (bearing in mind that fruit does not suit everyone)Â Â
Plenty of waterÂ